Sunday, July 19, 2009

Just to kick-start

Frankly, my mind is blank now.
I just completed my feature writing and that used up my quota for the day, in fact it's over the quota.
Don't exactly know how or what to blog, there isn't any rules for blogging anyway I supposed.
Argghhhh... can I end here? But it'll make my blog looked stupid like FOREVER.
I'll try, I'll try harder to produce something more in my first blog.
Aha! I think I got a brilliant idea to start off my blog.
Let's talk about CRAP.
I hope you do undestand the meaning of CRAP because I'm officially crapping now and that appears to be the whole purpose for me to have a blog besides stimulating my mind to write something in somewhere or to cultivate writng habits which is very crucial for me as I have realised recently that I really really really need to write more.
You do realised that is a disturbingly long and wordy sentence, don't you?
Well.. to those who wants to write good English, please refrain yourself from doing that because it's NOT good.
I'm doing it only for the mere reason of doing what I cannot do on my written pieces in real life
I have mentioned earlier that I seldom write and all I did was writing assignments and exam papers.
Not writing might sound normal to everybody on earth but it definitely sounds pathetic for those who studied English language.
We are somehow destined to write something with every opportunity that we have and it's a sin for not writing at all.
You must be thinking why is all these related to CRAP but like I said, I'm practically crapping away from the first line to the line that I'm typing now. Enough of the nonsense and welcome to the world of CRAPS!!!

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