Monday, July 20, 2009


I have to write everything in red because it reflects my emotion now which is none other than ANGER!!!

Of course I know I did mention I'll not update my blog very frequently but today will be d'EXCEPTION.

I mean how SUCKY can my day be? And I thought today is the SUCKIEST day ever in this term.


Let's begin with me struggling to crawl out of my cosy little bed at 6.30am for the DARN bus when everybody else(in this sense, my so called friends in uni) were still dreaming away.

Apparently classes have been cancelled but nobody bothers to at least inform me by spending 10 cents for a text message.

I reached the EMPTY classroom at 7.30am like an idiot and started texting these people afraid that they'll make the same mistake as me.

Well... It turned out clearly that I was so WRONG!

It's just me and another friend of mine who didn't know about this IMPORTANT notice.

However, she was luckier than me because she was still at her doorstep.

I have become her 'saviour' in a way by stopping her from coming to uni. That's so 'kind' of me, wasn't it?

And so I decided to confront these 'friends' of mine and guess what? One said that I was letting out at her and another one didn't reply at all. How SWEET of them. I mean how sweet can a friend be?

Although they might somehow or rather read my blog but let me tell you this, I don't BLOODY care because they don't give a damn as well.


I'm off to bed to recuperate~


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