Monday, October 25, 2010


It's been a while, a long while I know.
There were moments in my life that I actually think my writing skills just *poof* and gone into thin air.
My brain has become rusty, words don't flow in my mind at all.
It worries me.
Like now. I can't seem to express myself very well.
Regardless, I'll still try.

After graduation which was a few months back, I did a bit of travelling.
Every single time was a brand new experience.
As for the places? Taiwan, Bali and of course the most recent- the United States of America.
The first and second were regular family trips.
It was the US trip that open my eyes to so many things.
The primary aim was to attend my cousin's wedding and of course to visit my aunt.
Then, we can do some travelling.
But, here comes the unexpected relatives who tagged along and literally spoiled the whole trip.
To be precise, they can easily be divided into two categories: the self-invited and the unwelcomed.

I must however say, they truly have 'broadened' my mind.
They have showed me the lowest class of human beings that exist on the planet.
They have taught me how to take advantage of others to the fullest even if family comes into picture.
They have displayed greediness that was so great that I have never seen in my entire life until this fascinating trip.
Being a hypocrite and backstabber is practically their life; it's in their nature, that is why they can play their parts so well.

The details shall be spared.
It was far too disgraceful to even share.
I shall now pronounce them officially dismissed from my life.
And they can kiss my ass now.

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