Friday, July 16, 2010

Some thoughts

As much as I want to deny, I think I'm becoming this ridiculous person who's easily provoked by others
Be it behaviours, comments, criticism or anything at all
they can made me so angry that I want to curse
And this is an action that I don't appreciate much

It's frustrating, really...
I always have something to say eventhough I often kept these thoughts to myself
pretend to be nice and all, but, I know very well, I'm just putting on an act
this is very bad
what've become of me?
This is NOT me, I've slowly turning into a person whom I despise of

It's frightening...
sometimes I don't even know why do I have such thoughts, evil and scary thoughts
Or maybe I'm just having too much time to myself
seriously need to do something about that
things might change when the new chapter of my life starts
I have to be patient

Besides the awful transformation I'm going through, I've watched plenty of movies recently
well, one of them was the highly anticipated and debated Twilight saga- Eclipse
you might be wondering why am I choosing this particular movie to talk about
Haha! answer is easy, because 95% who watched it definitely have a word or two

Below are just my 2 cents worth, so, no offense =p

I am one of the many who possessed the complete set of Twilight saga
you must think I'm probably in love with this saga
but nope, I bought it just to see what is so great about this story when everyone was so obsessed with it and it was a good bargain on trying to advertise or anything)
most importantly, books are good for keeping(quoting my mum) and she's the one paying of course
as you can see I have nothing to lose
that was how everything begins

Fans might want to kill me if I say this, but, I hate almost all the characters in the story
Bella will be on the top of the list, Edward next and then Jacob
these 3 are easily the most stupid characters in many of the love stories that I read
I mean be realistic, we know it is just any other love story if it's without the vampires, werewolves and whatsoever

Reading the book was one thing, and seeing the film was a completely different experience LoL
the other day I was asking my family if anyone wants to watch Eclipse and I got this remarkably interesting comment from my dad
Here's what he said: " Isn't that the movie where they 'paktoh' on trees?"
in case you don't understand what 'paktoh' means, it means 'dating' in chinese dialects
I laughed so hard I nearly choke

Well, the end of the story? We all went
I didn't force my dad to go and was perfectly fine to watch it myself
I warned him about the not so exciting plot, I really did
nevertheless, he still followed with a little reluctance
he almost fell asleep in the cinema and I'm proud of him for not
It's an accomplishment dad! XD

Coming back to the movie
The lines was as cheezy and corny as before
nothing spectacular and was definitely overrated by the media
but at least, at least Edward doesn't have that painful expression anymore while kissing Bella and I thought that's hell of an improvement LoL
I would appreciate if Robert Pattinson can speak faster though, the Edward's speaking tempo was kinda strange
the only selling point of this movie might be Taylor Lautner's body
werewolves were cute and might make great pets =p

I pitied the parents sitting in front of us
they thought it was some kind of vampires and werewolves horror
and there were a few awkward scenes for their seemingly young children
the funniest part was they finally gave up explaining and ask their children to sleep LoL

All in all, it's entertaining (not exactly a suitable word to describe a love story but I did laugh alot)
one more to go, heard it's gonna be two parts
I guess I just need to finish off what I've started

Here's a little suggestion for those who haven't see the film
if you are just like me who's watching it for fun or even a huge fan of Twilight saga that care less about the definition of a good movie then, go for it
if you have not read the book or watch the previous parts or merely hate it then, don't go

I always thought movies are to enjoy not to create miseries


sue aka yume said...

Twilight =__= Your dad's funny though XD
Looked around for jobs yet ?

slfiona87 said...

Nope, going to take TESOL in Singapore around November. How about you? Started your TESOL or working now?

sue aka yume said...

Gonna start TESOL in August. Not working yet. looking around though.

TESOL in sg? For how long?

slfiona87 said...

Yea, in the British Education Centre. Around 2 months, it all depends on my preference. Time is flexible and I can come home everyday which is much convenient to me. Fee is RM6000 after conversion.

sue aka yume said...

Ooo. I thought you'll be staying there instead XD
I'm very lazy to start studying again =_=

slfiona87 said...

LoL~ I thought so too. But it's only 4 days a week, 9am-1pm. Lazy too... btw, why aren't you attending convocation?

sue aka yume said...

I just got to know I can't start TESOL cos there's not enough students =_= lll

Not attending cos it's so freaking troublesome. Need to go down to pick up the robe, stay overnight, return robe and whatsoever. Just thinking of the process is enough to make me not want to go.

I know it's once in a lifetime thingy, but I just can't be bothered. I did the degree for the cert, not the ceremony. So much of problems and efforts just for a few second on stage =\