Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I think I need a boyfriend? or a change of life=D

YES, you aren't seeing things. I typed 'I think I need a boyfriend' XD
LoL~ I have realized all that posts here recorded only the negative side of my life
and that is very BAD
why do human beings or most of the humans have the habit of keeping all the bad memories instead of the good ones?
So, I've come to a decision that is not to follow their footsteps
but HOW do I begin to accumulate all these positive energy in life?
hmm... a difficult question eh?
then I asked myself, why not start with an extreme makeover
sounds pretty good, isn't it?
first thing first, I need to change my mindset
alter a little bit of my own thinking to an optimistic one
from there, move on to becoming MORE sociable
I mean MORE MORE MORE sociable
I think I'm just overly anti-social, need a change in my life
not to mention new hair should be part of the plan
oh oh oh, then comes the boyfriend part
Being single for too long seems to transform me into this weird young lady who irks the sight of too many guys and also picked on them at every chance I could possibly get
okay, I've had enough of all these unhealthy behaviours
I need a change and definitely need a well-organized plan
a boost to self-confidence will do me good
another thing, a diet might help (I binged too much in recent years)
bulging belly and fat thighs do not fit the plan
determination and perseverance should perfect the plan
and of course, no more sad, emotional, self-pitied post here
more plans coming up~=D

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