Tuesday, September 22, 2009


The title alone says BORING
let's just do a little bit of my life updates
okay, BORING as well
please bear with me
Here it goes

I'm once again going through Finals in pain which also marks the end of this semester
I screwed up the previous paper, so, hopefully not the next one too
next subject is just one day away but I have not lay my hands on the notes
in fact, I'm lost... I don't know what to focus on when I look at all those papers
Mr George, you should have been more specific, not to mention, give us model answers for all the practices but obviously you did not which makes me suffer more

Apart from the exams
It's been an improductive raya holidays except for the shopping
did not get all that I want but still, enjoyable I must say, especially with my family around

Looking forward to the three months holiday but not looking forward to it at the same time
I know I'm contradicting myself, however, the thought of my final year project reduces anticipation for holidays
this is yet another obstacle in my life that I need to overcome or MUST overcome

another bad news to me is I AM turning 22 in exactly 10 days, really soon=.=
21st seemed like yesterday, time really flies
birthday is a disaster for females, not generalizing but I think most of the females agree with me
AGE became a TABOO when you are getting older
anyway I'm not the celebrating birthday sorta person, nothing to celebrate about unless I like to be older which I don't and it is the day which mums suffer (I can imagine all the shriekings and pain)

If nothing crops up, I'll be home on Saturday (=
Owh~ I miss home already, I sure do
my room, my bed, my orange wall, my brothers' sarcasm, mocking my sister, our hamster...

Good luck for the coming papers~=D

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