Friday, March 2, 2012

I just want to do my job

Well in case you don't already know, I finally found a new job.
Am I happy? Yes... and no.
I'm happy because I can stop the 'doing nothing at home' life.
On the contrary, I'm not happy because this job s***ed bad.
You must want to say: all jobs or probably most of the jobs s***ed.

I however, am not complaining about the work scope or even the pathetic amount of my salary.
It's the PEOPLE.
Yes, I might be a tad anti-social but I've been friendly to all.
Then here comes the backstabbers, the poker faces, the duty avoiders, the limelight cravers and whatnots.
But I'm telling you these are not the worst people to be deal with, because then you'll have the students.

Oh yeah~ the LOVELY students and THEIR PARENTS.
They are, in my humble point of view, the core of all problems.
I can't say that I was the good student but I was no troublemaker as well.
I don't give teachers hell.
Wonder what's happened to respecting teachers.
Does not exist in this school. That I can be absolutely positive.
As much as I want to be diplomatic and flexible in class, nobody seems to be appreciating it.
All I need is some moments of silence and peace, for them to listen when I talk.
Somehow it's a very difficult task to them. They don't even care to at least pretend to listen.
I'm so sick with all the screaming and reprimanding and deep down I know it's not working at all.
So I've stopped to care. It's never the type of teacher I wanted to be but they give me no choice.
These so-called privileged students are pain in the a**.
Being rich doesn't give you the rights to be the worst kind of students in the world.

From now on, they can rot because it'll no longer get to me or affect me in any ways.
The BRAINLESS boss who only cares for money-making can fire me if he's unhappy because even he doesn't show respect to teachers.

I guess what I'm trying to say here is I just want to do my job.
Apart from that.... I DON'T F***ING CARE.

1 comment:

sue aka yume said...

It's ok Fiona. It's not you. It's them. People just don't care about almost anything except money nowadays.