Friday, January 21, 2011

Butterflies in the stomach

I'm feeling nervous at this very moment.
Butterflies are roaming in my stomach like I could throw up anytime.
And the reason is pretty stupid.
Guess what? I am going for my very first job interview.
Not that I have never work before, if you consider an interview to be a promoter fits the list.

This is formal!
And nope, I'm not at all excited.
Judging from the voice of the interviewer, I'm not sure if he's friendly because I thought there's a hint of mockery when I said this can be considered as my first job.
That really freaks me out.

Now, I can't help but keep asking myself why do I even apply.
It all happened in less than 30 minutes.
I sent in my resume and I got an interview, just like that.
No one seems to notice I am not prepared.

I am lost.
What do I do before a job interview?
What should I wear?
What should I bring?
What should I say?
All the sample questions and tips for a job interview drove me into a funk that is so deep I could not see the end of it.

You must be thinking that I worried too much, being melancholy.
Maybe, I'm not getting the job after all.
Another question popped into my mind.
Can I deal with the disappointment? That is not mine.

It's on Monday.
Perhaps what I need is just words of encouragement and a little faith.


sue aka yume said...

It's ok, the nervousness happens to everyone XD
What kind of job did you applied for ?
Anyway, good luck !

The Grey Empress said...

Fiona, understand how that feels! Just be confident & spit out your English! Haha, they like people who can answer with good English. All the best ya!

Mut Cui@Kayee said...

Jia you Jia you!!

slfiona87 said...

Sue: some reading centre for CHILDREN==
Thanks everyone, I'm just not confident enough.

sue aka yume said...

Ooo ... don't worry. Our qualifications are more than enough. Some idiot bosses just like to make their centres sound super important and professional. But 98% of them are just craps =_=

Have some confidence and good luck !