Friday, November 25, 2011

What more do you expect?

I just can't stop writing negative things.
They are always there!
Feeling so damn crappy now.
Don't know what else to do to make things better.
Nothing affects me as much as my family.
Sometimes things are out of control.
It just happened.
Am I disappointed?
Because of what she thinks of us over a small matter.
Are we not good enough? Maybe.
But how much is enough?
We are not perfect. You are not perfect.
So tell me who is?
One problem leads to another.
We still love you. I still love you regardless.
It's hurting badly. The way you see us hurt me so bad.
I just want the pain to go away and be happy together. Again.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A Huge Relief

Thank God! It's great to know that my mum's medical report is good.
Been brooding about it for the past week.
It's like lifting a giant nasty rock off my chest.
Feels awesomely great!
Think I can breathe better now.
It's time to get on with whatever I'm about to begin and stay focus.

Saturday, September 24, 2011


Bad things happen. They always do.
More than we expected.

Question is, what can we do about it?
Let me tell you.
As depressing as it might sound, most of the time, there's absolutely nothing we can do.
Better still, when Fear decides to knock on your door.
Now isn't that lovely?
Seeing Depression and Fear walking side by side, reaching their hands to you.

Then out of the blue, Faith appears.
Like a knight in shining armour.
Trying its utmost best to drive Depression and Fear away.
But it couldn't do it alone, not till we believe in it.

I know I need to. Just isn't sure if I can.
This is my war to fight against fear, to be strong again.
Maybe all I need is a little faith.
Because "fear ends where faith begins".

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Guilty Pleasure

I have something to confess.
My latest guilty pleasure.
True Blood.

Well I know what some people been saying.
Sex. Violence. Still sex.
I know. Don't care. Watch it anyway.

The irony is, however, the reluctance of watching it in the first place.
Just one fine day, decided to give it a chance.
There's no return since then.
Addiction would be an understatement.
I am obsessed.
With Eric Northman in particular.

Feelings are stronger when it gets to season 4.
A whole new different Eric.
Amnesia only makes him hotter.
Him being awfully polite is beyond cute.
Innocent and dangerous at the same time.
And did I mention the body that need no further elaboration.
Everything is so overwhelming to me.
In a good way of course.

Now I sound like a psychopath.
Madly in love with a fictitious character.
Revel in something that is not true.
But I am not bothered.
I don't really fancy Alexander Skarsgard if not for the character.
Pretty sure it will pass.
Till then.
Please allow me to stay this way.

To no judgments!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Sudden Urge

It definitely surprises me how I have the visceral urge to write at this hour.
To think that I have absolutely no ideas of what to write.

I've always admired those who can constantly write about anything under the sun.
Not me.
I don't have the flow.
Now, for instance, I'm struggling even to express my own feelings.

For a while I thought I've convinced myself to just accept wherever my life takes me.
Good or bad. Happy or sad.
That is not the case.
I am not contented.
I wanted more.
Happiness. Pure happiness.

It is apparent that happiness can't be bought.
Then how?
Others always say it is very simple to be happy.
Is it true?
So many questions swirling in my mind.
Where are the answers?

There was this incident that happened in the afternoon that kept me wondering.
Am I not supposed to be honest about myself.
Is it not possible for a person to have very few friends and to not be bothered by it at the same time.
Why making such a fuss when it's the truth.
I'm neither putting down myself nor hoping to win myself some sympathy.
This is me.
My circle of friends is small and I know it.
It is certainly not something that I'm ashamed of.
Or should I?
I don't mind having more friends but that didn't happen to me.
Part of me is crying to make lots of friends, other parts are being anti-social.
I strived hard in bringing this disparity into balance.
My mother would know.
I am an introvert in nature.
That's something that I can't change but improve.
So who are you to tell me it's not a good way to sell myself to anyone by telling them the facts.
If that appeared to be a pathetic fact to you, then sorry, you are just not the friend that I needed.

There are too many who judge your life, too less who care.
The world is a better place when we stop judging people's lives.
If I'm willing to make a change, are you?

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I'm officially an unemployed.... AGAIN

Someone told me it's a milestone for me to fire my first employer.
Well, at least not many get to experience it.
Not in this way, agree?

To be honest, I expected HIM to at least put up a little fight before submitting to my terms.
But HE seemed to realise this is a win-lose situation.
I got everything that I asked for and tendered my resignation letter almost immediately.
It was too easy, no sweat.
There was no fight at all, not even a mild argument.
I was obviously at the upper-hand.
How boring!

And now, I'm jobless yet again.
Wondering if I should start job-hunting all over or just.... I don't know.
Aaarrggghhhh~ when can I fulfil my UK dream?
Why is everyone else going while I'm still here?

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Consider me jobless

You know they've been saying, you'll definitely meet a horrible boss at least once in your life time.
I think I've already did.
To think that this happened to my very first job, maybe I should consider myself lucky.

What happened was HE cheated 3 months of my EPF which I was willing to let go.
But HE has the audacity to deduct my salary for public holidays.
It is written too clearly on the offer letter that I am a monthly paid employee.
And HE has the nerves to say any employee who's in probation period is not entitled to a pay holiday.
Even if I'm not familiar with labour law, I can assure you that I am no fool.
Any person who's in the right state of mind would know that this is wrong.

My mother being a HR Senior Excutive for 30 years in a multinational company who is very well-versed in the labour law confronted HIM in a polite way.
HE is however rude and egoistic with HIS words, unwilling to admit his mistakes.
How I hate egoistic man.
HE is pathetic in the sense that HE doesn't see what's coming.
A grave mistake HE's made for a mere RM140.
I am going to report this idiot to the labour law office and HE will see how much more trouble he could have save if he didn't do what he did.

Can you see the point here?
I don't care about the RM140, but, I just couldn't accept the way that HE's taken advantage of all HIS employees.
HE's requested to see me tomorrow and I know it's not going to turn out well.
But you know what, this is the first time since my graduation that I get to be sarcastic to a downright egoistic moron.
It's gonna be fun.

Wish me luck!

Monday, April 18, 2011


Is it strange to complain about the boss all the time?
I mean I barely work for a month, but complaining about my boss seems to be the one thing that I must do everyday.
Creepy isn't it? How the boss can affects me.

Anyway, I hate working.
I miss being a student.
Dealing with children is definitely driving me insane.
As if I'm standing near the cliff, getting closer to the edge each day.
Will I jump? Or will I hang on there?
I'm not so sure.

Right now I just want to get it over and done with.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Butterflies in the stomach

I'm feeling nervous at this very moment.
Butterflies are roaming in my stomach like I could throw up anytime.
And the reason is pretty stupid.
Guess what? I am going for my very first job interview.
Not that I have never work before, if you consider an interview to be a promoter fits the list.

This is formal!
And nope, I'm not at all excited.
Judging from the voice of the interviewer, I'm not sure if he's friendly because I thought there's a hint of mockery when I said this can be considered as my first job.
That really freaks me out.

Now, I can't help but keep asking myself why do I even apply.
It all happened in less than 30 minutes.
I sent in my resume and I got an interview, just like that.
No one seems to notice I am not prepared.

I am lost.
What do I do before a job interview?
What should I wear?
What should I bring?
What should I say?
All the sample questions and tips for a job interview drove me into a funk that is so deep I could not see the end of it.

You must be thinking that I worried too much, being melancholy.
Maybe, I'm not getting the job after all.
Another question popped into my mind.
Can I deal with the disappointment? That is not mine.

It's on Monday.
Perhaps what I need is just words of encouragement and a little faith.